Faith - Hope - Strength - Courage: Making Strides Against Breast Cancer

by Alessandra Cavalluzzi

Last weekend I worked at the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk. As a corporate sponsor my company has a booth at the walk. The weather this time of year in New York is typically cold so we're used to it being chilly, especially at 6:30am when we arrive to begin setting up our booths. Over the years we've seen it all in terms of weather: rain, high winds, even sleet and hail one year! On the rare occasion we've had warm days in the upper 60F temperature range. Last Sunday, October 21, was not one of those days. While the thermometer read 40F it felt more like 20F with the blustery wind coming off of Zach's Bay at Jones Beach State Park. The whipping winds made it feel like January. In fact, a few times we thought our tent might go airborne, and by 10:00am we were pretty much numb. I suffer from Reynaud's so it was especially challenging and very painful for my hands (even with gloves to protect them from the cold). While the weather conditions were less than ideal, the smiling faces of survivors and the thousands of others who turned out for the walk kept us going. It was a great day supporting a very important cause.

There are over 200 Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walks across the USA with many of opportunities to get involved. Whether you contribute via a corporate sponsorship, walk in support of someone battling the disease or in memory of those lost, or volunteer to help on-site, there are many ways to make a difference. It’s easy to make an impact and help raise awareness at the same time. Look for a walk near you and sign up today. Together, we can help make breast cancer a thing of the past.