Find Your Passion
Whatever you do, do it with a genuine passion. If you don’t feel passionate about the project, it may be time to re-evaluate your purpose in taking it on.
When I began my journey of writing my first book over a year ago I could not have imagined how much I would learn about the writing and publishing process -- and myself. I knew it wouldn’t be a walk in the park, and it has definitely been a challenge at times. Writing a book while working a full-time job was not easy. With only weekends and late nights to devote to my project there was very little "me time" left over. There were days when I wondered if I’d bitten off more than I could chew. Through it all what kept me going was my passion and the strong belief in what I was doing.
I set out to write “A Million Dollars In Change” because I want to make a difference in the world. I want to inspire corporations to be more active and invested in supporting their community. As Director of Community Relations at my company I manage all of our charitable giving. I see this book as my personal way of giving back to the world. I built my company's community involvement and giving program from the ground up, and now I hope to inspire other companies who want to do good by showing them how easy it is to support their community by engaging their employees via volunteerism and charitable work.
I did not write this book with the hope of becoming a best-selling author, or to make money. My intention from Day 1 has always been to put it out into the world so that others can use it as a guide for doing good. If someone were to ask me what has sustained me through the stressful process of creating a book proposal, writing and editing my manuscript, and pitching to agent after agent, I would point to the previous sentence. My intention. It has always been to just create and share something good with the world.
Find your passion and use it to make a difference.
PS - I look forward to sharing my book with you all later this year. Stay tuned for release date!